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A beech bark painting entitled Erotic 2.0
Which is part of the project ‘’Web interaction’’


Key concept of the work:  The beech bark represents,
the tangible world and the painting the virtual world,
where interaction takes place and this two worlds
make up our “interaction universe”.
  Also the project has a visual and a written aspect.
 The written aspect is made directly on the beech bark
and it comprises poems written by me that link to the
key concept ‘’interaction universe”


From what are the works made of?
The fist, the painting on beech bark is Acrylic colors +beech bark.
The second, pen for writing and beech bark


Both works have the following dimensions.
W-10 cm
H-25 cm
Weight-500 grams

Shipping cost.
100$ and it ships to worldwide in 1-2 days.


Total cost of the art works is?
Shipping: 100$+ 570$ price of works= total 670$


If I want to buy?


  Simply click Buy Now, this button is pay pal embeded and it is the safe way to buy online and complete the form (Name, E-mail, Subject, Message in which you add mobile phone and shipping address)



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